
Fact and Rumor.

The apparatus of the old Yale gymnasium is to be used in the gymnasium of Cobly Academy at New London.

The Winchester Mechanical Engineering Building of the Sheffield School at Yale will be opened in January.

A. S. Green '93, has been elected President of the Yale Glee Club in the place of J. S. Cravens '93, who recently resigned.

The Dartmouth Union has challenged the Amherst Debating Society to a debate on some subject to be agreed upon later.

The last issue of the University magazine has a biography of W. G. Peckham '67, who was the founder of the Advocate.


The Central Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Princeton will hold its annual dinner at Harrisburg, Penn., on Dec. 9.

Winter, Wallis, and C. Bliss are the only members of the Yale eleven who will not be on hand for the team next fall.

The Wellesley Shakespeare Society intends to build a club house on the model of Shakespeare's house at Stratford on Avon.

An Alumni Association of Columbia College has been started at Washington and the alumni intend to form others in the various large cities.

The past editors of the Wellesley papers. have organized a Wellesley Alumni Press Association with the object of raising the standard of journalistic work at the college.
