Subject: "Revolveg, That the Power of Railroad Corporations in the United States should be further controlled by the Government."
Speakers for the Yale-Harvard Debate will be chosen, and the competition will be open to all members of the University.
Graduate Club. The Aims, Methods, and Results of Graduate work in History and in Economics. Mr. William Garrott Brown and Mr. John Cummings. Union Club Rooms, 8 p.m.
APPLETON CHAPEL - SUNDAY EVENINGS.Dec. 4. - Rev. E. Winchester Donald, D. D.
Dec. 11. - Right Rev. Henry C. Potter, D. D.
EXTEMPORARY SPEAKING.Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D. D., will address the members of the University on the Art of Extemporary Speaking, in Sever 11, at 4.30 p.m.; Wednesday, Dec. 14.
PRICE GREENLEAF AID.Thursday, December 15, is the last day for receiving from first-year students applications for Price Greenleaf Aid.
LECTURES ON ENGLISH LITERATURE.Mr. E. Charlton Black, late of the University of Edinburg, will give a course of twenty lectures on English Literature, in Sever 11, on Monday evenings at 7.30. The lectures will be open to the public, and subjects of the first six lectures will be as follows: -
Dec. 5. - Anglo-Saxon Literature.
Dec. 12. - Celtic and Anglo-Norman Literature.
Dec. 19. - Chancer and Langland.
Jan. 9. - Pre-Elizabethan Poetry of Scotland.
Jan. 16. - Spenser and Drummond of Hawthornden.