Overseers, 32
Teachers: -
Professors 82
Associate Professors 4
Assistant Professors 28
Lectures 10
Tutors 2
Instructors 100
Demonstrators and Assistants 68
Whole number of Teacher 294
Preachers 5
Curators and Library Officers 11
Procters and other officers. 37
Total 386
Comparing these figures with those of eleven years ago and we find that there has been an increase of 167 in the teaching force of the University. There has in the same time been a remarkable increase in the number of students. In '91-92 there were, including the 27 in Summer Schools, a total of 1409 in the University. As shown in yesterday's CRIMSON this number has grown to 2966. If the 500 persons attended the summer schools be counted the total enrollment at Harvard becomes 3466 for the year '92-93.