
Fact and Rumor.

The Thesis in History 6 is due on January 10.

Barnard College, New York, has a deficit of $10.000.

There will be an examination in History 9 next Monday.

Columbia College will challenge Princeton to a joint debate.

The Student Volunteer Movement now numbers 75,000 members.


Tufts has received $10,000 by the will of the late T. O. Burnham.

There are fifty candidates in training for the Columbia College nine.

McClung has been re-erected captain of the Lehigh eleven for next year.

Mr. W. H. Fessenden, tenor, will be the soloist this afternoon at Vesper Service.

A thesis may be substituted in place of the mid-year examinations in German 9.

Captain Carter, full-back on the Technology eleven, will enter Cornell next year.

A German Club to be known as the Deutscher Verein has been formed at the Annex.

The Harvard Mandolin Club played last night at the Thorndike before the Boston Cadets.

J. W. Egerton, '94, has been elected captain of Trinity's foot-ball team for next year.

A new Senior Society has been founded at Amherst, membership to be based upon scholarship.
