
Fact and Rumor.

King, Wheeler, and Vincent, though all injured now, expect to play on Princeton in the game against Yale.

The total number of membership in Greek letter societies in the American colleges is estimated at 77 000.

A travelling fellowship in architecture has been established at the University of Pennsylvania.

At John Hopkins students are compelled to pass an examination in gymnastics before getting a degree.

Cornell is considering the plan of extending the law course from two to three years.


The swimming tank at the new Yale gymnasium was opened last Thursday.

The annual football game between the B. A. A. and New York Athletic clubs will be played in New York on Nov. 17

A seminar of history, political science and political economy has been organized at Brown.

Harvard was the first of the American colleges to open a graduate school. The first degree of Doctor was given in 1873.

Three new members have been taken on to the faculty of University of Chicago.

The students at Wellesley will hereafter have a "Senior Day" which will take the place of the Class Day of other colleges

Carroll N. Brown of Harvard is to have the professorship of Greek in the University of Vermont.
