
Fact and Rumor.

Professor F. W. Hooper has given the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences $10,000 for an endowment fund.

The thirty sixth annual meeting of the Association of New England Colleges was held at Williamstown, Thursday.

The University of Pennsylvania is to have a new dormitory costing $125,000. It will be the largest in the United States.

Prof. A. A. Stagg, physical director at the University of Chicago, is lecturing throughout the West on "The Modern Athlete."

Football games on Saturday resulted as follows: Yale 72, Wesleyan 0; U. of P. 6. Priceton 4; Andover 24, Yale '96 0; Dartmouth 24, Williams 12; Tech. 6, Amherst 4; Brown 0, Trinity 0.

