
Fact and Rumor.

A Yale Graduate Club has been formed at New Haven.

Eighty men are trying for positions on the Yale Record.

The receipts from the freshman game Saturday were about $4,000.

The Andover, eleven occupied a coach at the Freshman game Saturday.

The U. of P. eleven has lost but one game out of sixteen this year.


Six of last year's Yale crew have returned to college this year.

Yale's new gymnasium will be formally opened some time in January.

Eight men of this year's Yale football eleven will return to college next year.

There were 35,000 spectators at the Conell-Michigan game at Detroit Thursday.

The Princeton college annual the "Brica Brac", will be published in about two weeks.

There are 75 women in the various courses in the college department of the U. of P.

There was a slight fire last night in Gray's, due to the Igniting of fumigating sulphur.

The new dormitory for the Theological Seminary at Princeton will be completed about May 1.

Mr. J. J. Hayes read a selection for the benefit of the Monroe Fund at Wellesley in Saturday.

One hundred and eighty papers and Magazines are on file in the Yale reading room, one hundred and twenty-eight of which are magazines, the rest papers.
