
Fact and Rumor.

Oxford and Cambridge together have an income from investments of over $75,000,000.

Dr. Adams, ex-president of Cornell, is now president of the University of Wisconsin.

There were 22 more men in the Yale Theological School in '88 than there are now.

The University of Edinburg has been opened to women on the same terms as men.

The University of Pennsylvania Football Association received $10,000 from the game with Princeton.


The annual indoor class championship games of the M. I. T. will take place Saturday p.m., Dec. 10.

A two-year course in interior decoration will be opened at the University of Pennsylvania on Nov. 15.

Osgood, Cornell's half-back, hurt his knee on Tuesday, and may not be able to play for some time.

Captain King of the Princeton eleven is now much better and expects to play in the Yale game.

John Hopkins University has 512 students. Of these, 300 are graduates and 212 under-graduates.

The result of the Yale presidential election was as follow: Harrison 477, Cleveland 316, Weaver 2, Bidwell 1.

Five special courses in the School of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania will be opened Nov. 15.

A platoon of cavalry has been organized in connection with the military department at the University of Iowa.

Pres. Elliot presided at the meeting held by the "National Council of Education" at Columbia College a few days ago.

Manager Maffitt has secured quarters for the Yale eleven for the Springfield game at the School of Christian Workers.

The Boston Athletic Association eleven and the Chicago Athletic Club eleven will play in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day.

The opening meeting held by the M. I. T., and open to the H. A. A., and B. A. A. will probably be held some time in December.
