
Fact and Rumor.

For the last month the cost of board at the Yale Commons has averaged $3.82 per week.

The grand stand on the new athletic field of Northwestern University cost $3,000.

A chair of journalism has been established in the women's department at Rutgers.

Dr. Peabody spoke at the dedication of the new Mt. Vernon St. Church, Boston, last evening.

In the Exter - Andover football game, S. V. Coffin will umpire and Gardner Perry referee.


The faculty of Leland Stanford University intend to take part in athletics with the students.

Applications have already been received for all the $2.50 and $2 seats at the Springfield game.

The Harvard Rowing Club will hold its scratch races for four oars on Thursday. November 30.

The Univ. of Michigan had a holiday Tuesdays in order to permit the students to go home to vote.

A telegraph office has been established at the University of Chicago for the use of the students and faculty.

The football team's headquarters at Springfield on Nov. 19, will be at Mrs. Gardner's on Main Street.

The tennis tournament at St. Paul's School was won by Emmons in the singles, and Carleton and Emmons in the double.

Princeton has scored 740 points to 45 for the University of Pennsylvania since the admission of the latter in 6 the intercollegiate league.

A place for the reception and convenience of college men may be reserved on the World's Fair grounds, under the supervision of the University of Chicago.
