

B. WELLS, Sec.HARVARD Democratic Club. - Important business meeting before the meeting at Sanders Theatre, in Lower Mass. at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7.

2t.HARVARD Democratic Club. - Meeting in Sanders Theatre, Friday, Oct. 7, at 8 p.m. Addresses by Dr. William Everett, Hon. Josiah Quincy, and Hon. Nathan Matthews.

2tA TRIAL of candidates for the Harvard Banjo Club will be held on Monday, Oct. 10, at 7.30, in 24 Hastings. Every member of the University who plays the banjo or guitar is urged to try.

tf'93 ELEVEN. All candidates for the senior eleven be on Nortons field at 3.30 sharp.



J. H. PARKER.SUBSCRIBERS who do not receive their CRIMSONS regularly will please notify me by mail or leave a note at the CRIMSON office.


BUSINESS MANAGER.HARVARD Union. - The first meeting of the Harvard Union will be held Friday, Oct. 7 in Sever 11, at 7.30. Question for debate: Resolved, That President Harrison should be re-elected. All members of the University are invited to be present and take part in the debate.

2tHARVARD Rowing Club. - Important meeting of the Governing Board and Officers, 16 Holworthy, Saturday, 1.45 o'clock sharp.


Per order PRES.
