
No Headline

The Class Committee has appointed the following officers for the senior dinner on the night before Commencement: President, M. Williams, Jr.; toastmaster, J. Wendell, Jr.; orator, G. T. Goldthwaite; poet, B. A. Gould, Jr.; chorister, R. W. Atkinson. The place of the dinner will be announced within a few days.

In the A. A. U Sports at Worcester R. S. Hale won the one mile and three mile walk; G. F. Taylor won the two mile bicycle; W. L. Thompson won the two sprints; O. W. Shead won the broad jump; J. O. Nichols was second in the one mile and five mile run; G. L. Batchelder second in the half mile; and S. H. Evins second in the hammer.
