
Base Ball Game Today.

This afternoon at four o'clock the 'varsity nine will play a second game with the University of Vermont nine. The first game with this team, which was played several weeks ago, resulted in a victory for Harvard, but since then the Vermont team has improved wonderfully. In this first game Abbey pitched the most of the game, the crack pitcher, O'Connor, only going in for the last three or four innings. Harvard did not secure a single hit off the latter while he was in the box. Today he will pitch the whole game, and a rattling contest may be expected. The University of Vermont defeated the strong Amherst nine, champions of the New England Intercollegiate league, twice during the past week. A large crowd should turn out to give Harvard encouraging support.

On Tuesday the nine will play a game with the Clydes, the state champions of Rhode Island, and on Thursday there will be a game with the Beston League nine.
