8-11. Dancing in the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall. Music and Illuminations in the College Yard.
8.30. The Glee Club will sing in front of Holworthy.
10. The set piece will be lighted.
No return checks will be given out. All who wish to enter the yard after 5 p. m. must be provided with a Yard ticket or a Memorial ticket. A yard ticket will admit until 9 p. m. Memorial tickets admit to the College Yard, to Memorial Hall in the afternoon and evening, and to the Gymnasium in the evening.
The entrance to Memorial Hall will be at the south door, the exit at the north door.
The entrance to the Gymnasium will be at the main entrance, the exit at the side facing the Common. The yard entrances will be between Holworthy and Thayer, Weld and Grays, and between Stoughton and Holden. The exits will be between Matthews and Grays, University and Thayer, Thayer and Holworthy, and between Holworthy and Stoughton. There will be a special entrance and exit for those coming in carriages between Harvard and Massachusetts. There will also be a special entrance for graduates in front of Harvard.
It will be of great assistance to the Committee if the above arrangements are strictly adhered to.
JOHN LOCKWOOD DODGE, JAMES ARNOLD LOWELL, EDWARD CALVIN MOEN. Class Day Committee.20. SATURDAY.Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5, 2 p. m.
23. TUESDAY.President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at No. 50 State St., Boston, 11 a. m.
Divinity School. Meeting of the Alumni at the Chapel of Divinity Hall at 2 p. m.- At 4 p. m. at the same place, an Address by Rev. Theodore C. Williams. Subject: "A Minister's Virtues." Collation at No. 3 Divinity Library at 5 p. m.
Harvard Law school Association. Quinquennial Celebration. Business Meeting. Austin Hall, 11 a. m.
At the close of the business meeting, the members of the Association, with their invited guests, will form in procession and march to Sanders Theatre, where at twelve o'clock an oration will be delivered by George Tucker Bispham, Esq., Professor of Equity Jurisprudence in the University of Pennsylvania. The exercises in Sanders Theatre will be open to the public.
At the close of the oration the members of the Association, with their invited Guests, will again form in procession and march to Massachusetts Hall, where at 1.30 p. m. Dinner will be served, and addresses will be made.
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