
Fact and Rumor.

Woodcock, the Brown pitcher, has accepted the offer of the Boston League nine. He will play with Brown until Commencement.

One of the longest baseball games on record was recently played in Tacoma, Washington. There were 22 innings, at the end of which the score stood 6 to 5.

The Princeton juniors have voted to wear the cap and gown throughout the senior year. The present seniors have been wearing the mortar board for a month.

The captain of the Columbia football eleven has posted notices requesting candidates for the first and second eleven to present themselves for practice on Sept. 25.

The Pierian Sodality dined at Parker's on Saturday. V. S. Rothschild '91 was toastmaster; C. Peabody, Gr., orator; F. P. Sibley, poet; and W. E. Kent, Sp., chorister. Black '91, the leader, was presented with a baton.


Students who live in college dormitories and who wish to qualify themselves to vote in Cambridge next year will find blanks to be filled out and for the assessors with the porters of their respective buildings.
