Small blue books in German 1a must be handed in Monday.
J. H. Kidder has stopped training with the junior crew.
The Pierian Sodality will play before the Algonquin Club this evening.
The joint dinner of the Exeter and Andover Clubs of Yale took place Tuesday night.
R. D. Sears and O. S. Campbell will play together in the doubles of the St. Augustine Tropical Tournament.
All the marks are out in both sections of Spanish I. The marks are out in Greek II. Marks are ready in Pol. I and will be out in a day or two.
Professor J. W. White lectured at Williston Seminary last Wednesday night to a large and enthusiastic audience on "Old Greek Life."
The annual dinner of the Harvard Club of Western New York was held at the Buffalo Club, Buffalo, last Saturday evening.
The will of the late Orlando Cole leaves $5,000 for the purpose of founding a scholarship at Harvard College.- Tech.
The body of Professor Bancroft, of Brown University, who disappeared December 28, 1890, has been found in a pond near Providence.
Hereafter every Professor at Columbia will have leave of absence at the end of seven years, and after fifteen years will be pensioned at half pay.
There is a movement on foot to form an Andover-Exeter Alumni Association in New York. On the list of the promoters are more than 300 names.
At the request of Captain Dean, J. H. Alward, L. S., will not compete in the wrestling tournament which comes off next Monday night in Music Hall under the auspices of the B. A. A.
"Yale graduates are much cheered and encouraged by the announcement made that this year's Yale university crew is in a feeble and despondent state," says the New York Tribune.
One of the students at the Annex, Miss Annie P. Henchman, has just written an exceedingly scholarly paper on "Origin and Development of the Central Nervous System in Limax Maximus."
Next Monday the Kneisel Quartette, with the assistance of Mrs. Nikisch, Messrs. Perabo, Foote and others, will begin a series of concerts at Brattle Hall. Tickets may be got at Sever's.
The names of those who received grade A or B for the first half year in History I have been announced. There were 6 A's and 50 B's. All men who received grade D or E will be notified by postal card.
It is reported that a movement has been headed in New York to form an association of Phillips-Andover graduates and students. A meeting of those interested in founding this association will be held some day this week.
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