
Fact and Rumor.

Dr. Sargent has an article on "College Athletics and Heart Disease," in the Educational Review for December.

Charks Schoff, end rusher and the most popular man on the U. of P. eleven, has been chosen captain for next year.

The statement that a professorship of athletics was to be established at Yale is denied by Professor E. L. Richards.

Ryerson '95 and Whitman '95, of the, Varsity Glee Club will manage the Freshman Glee Club until officers are elected.

There will be a tennis match at the B. A. A. this afternoon at 2 p. m., between the English champion, Latham and R. D. Sears.


Mr. J. J. Hayes has an article in the last number of "Kate Field's Washington" on the need of speech training in schools and colleges.

The Dartmouth Y. M. C. A. has recently opened its new building. There are only four other college Y. M. C. A. buildings in this country.

The average weight of the 21 candidates for the Yale freshman crew is 163 1-2 pounds, while seven of the men each weigh between 170 and 172 pounds.
