The prepared exercises in English A will be assigned for Saturdays instead of Tuesdays as before.
Latham defeated Pettitt at court tennis Saturday by a score of 6-4, 6-2, 7-5. Pettitt gave Latham half-thirty.
Kelton, Cummings, Newell and five 'varsity crew candidates rowed on the river in a barge on Saturday.
Balliet who rowed No. 2 on Yale's crew last season, will act as temporary captain until Gould's successor is chosen.
A canvass of the senior class of Yale shows 132 men in favor of wearing the cap and gown for the rest of the year.
It is generally reported that Rev. Samuel Eliot, son of President Eliot, and a graduate of Harvard, will succeed Rev. Brooke Herford of Boston.
The U. of P. A. A. has offered a cup to be contested for by the foot ball elevens of the preparatory schools in and about Philadelphia.
The November number of the Ann Arbor Inlander was suppressed by the Faculty as it contained an article condemning co-education.
A committee has been appointed at Columbia to decide upon an appropriate memorial to Herbert Mapes, who was drowned last summer.