
Fact and Rumor.

Amherst has lately received bequests of $30,000 and 20 acres of land.

Extensive improvements are to be made in Dartmouth's Gymnasium.

G. A. Carpenter, Jr., and L. Honore '88, are practising law in Chicago.

Mr. W. C. Lawton '73, has accepted a professorship of Latin at Bowdoin.

Pennypacker formerly of Harvard is teaching at the Boston Latin School.


The choice of elective studies at Princeton this year has been greatly increased.

President Eliot gives his first lecture in the Lowell institute course this evening.

Dr. Herford's term as preacher to the University will end at the Christmas recess.

Brown is to have a building for the use of the religious organizations of the University.

The number of books in college libraries of the United States is estimated at 3,000,000.

Twenty-seven students were recently expelled from De Pauw University for playing billards.

Hereafter the professors at Columbia College are to have a year' vacation every seven years.
