
University Calendar.


The lectures are given in Harvard 1 and are open to the public.

AMERICAN POLITICAL METHODS.Professor Hart will give several lectures on American Political Methods, the subjects to be suggested by the discussions in the next Congress. The first will be:

Wednesday, Dec. 9. - The Organization of a Congress.

The lectures will be open to the public, and will be held in Sever 11.


LECTURES BEFORE THE CLASSICAL CLUB.Professor Rufus B. Richardson, of Dartmouth College, late Director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, will lecture before the Classical Club, Nov. 30, on Excavations of the American School at Eretria.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.Rev. Professor H. S. Nash, of the Episcopal Theological School, will conduct a class for study of the Prayer Book in the St. Paul's Society Room, 17 Grays Hall, on Sundays at 2.30 p. m., beginning November 29. All members of the University are cordially invited.
