
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in History XI.

The fifth number of the Advocate is out.

There are 40 men on the waiting list at Memorial.

Lake will probably return to college next year.

Garfield has been elected captain of the Williams eleven for next year.


The receipts for the Yale-Princeton game are estimated at $50,000.

Rev. D. H. Ela, D. D., will preach in Appleton Chapel at 10.30, Sunday morning.

The board at Memorial for the months of September and October was $4.00 per week.

A special car has been chartered by some of the freshmen to go to New Haven today.

Hopkins, half-back and captain of the Andover foot ball team, enters Williams next year.

Davy is building four boats for Harvard: two for the 'varsity, and a shell and a barge for the freshmen.

Chicago University defeated Cornell 12 to 4 on Thanksgiving.

The Wesleyan faculty has awarded scholarships this year amounting to $3,780.

G. D. Hartley '93 has been elected captain of next year's 'varsity eleven at Trinity.

Lewis, who played centre rush for Amherst this year, will enter the Yale Law School next fall.
