
Fact and Rumor.

Knapp, the full-back on the Andover team, will enter Yale next year.

Professor Toy is writing an Arabic Grammar.

The Moslem University at Cairo has 10,000 students and 310 professors.

In the Sayles Memorial Hall at Brown the portraits of the benefactors, founpers, presidents, etc., have been hung.

The United States is erecting a $100,000 gymnasium at West Point. - Ex.


Princeton is to have a new commencement Hall, with a seating capacity of 1,800.

Leavitt and Peirce will hold an open pool tournament next week. The entry fee is $1.

Chapel attendance at the Boston University Theological School has been made compulsory.

The Declaration of Independence has been translated into Hebrew by a Columbia student.

The announcement that there would be no laboratory work in Geol. 5 until next week was wrong.

Ninety new lockers have been put up in the Gym in the open space between the bowling alleys.

The Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will give a concert in Tremont Temple, Boston, Dec. 18.

The winter concert of the Glee, Banjo, and Mandolin Clubs will be held in Sanders Theatre on Dec. 12.

The Princeton glee, banjo and mandolin clubs will take a trip through the West during the Christmas holidays.

The promoters of University Extension will hold an international congress at Chicago during the World's Fair.
