

'95 NOTICE. - Boyden, Davis, Hitch, Eddy, Potter, Murchie, Whittren, Adams, Pierce, Wrenn, Wadsworth, McNear, Whitman, Jackson, Reed, must be at Bartlett's at 10.45 a. m.

R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Capt.'VARSITY NOTICE. - Following men will be dressed to play at 2.15: Emmons, Waters, Dexter, Bangs, Mackie, Newell, Hallowell, Gage, Lake, Corbett, Trafford, Collamore, Bond, Mason, Rantoul, Highlands, Vail, Shea, Fearing, Gray, White, Cobb, Fitzhugh.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.THOSE wishing to join the Western Club will please send their names at once to C. C. Ramsay, D. 10.
