
Fact and Rumor.

A committee of Aldermen has been appointed to consider the question of changing the name of Front and Main Streets, from the Harvard Bridge to Harvard Sq., to University Avenue.

The following men have gone to the freshman training table: Whitman, Jackson, Davis, Eddy, Whitren, Adams, Murchie, Wadsworth and Wardner.

Dr. A. G. Wentworth has been appointed an assistant in Medical Chemistry in the Harvard Medical School, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. W. C. Emerson.

The grand stands at the Harvard - Yale game will, on their completion, be inspected by the City Engineer, the State Inspectors of Buildings, and another person to be chosen by Professor Bartlett of the Parietal Committee.

The interior plans of the new chemical and physical laboratories at Amherst have been completed. Professors Kimball and Harris have made a careful study of the laboratories of America and Germany and the new building will be fitted with the latest improvements.

