November 10 - The Sympathy of God.
SYMPHONY CONCERTS.Thursday evenings, November 12, December 31, 1891; January 21, February 25, March 24, April 21, 1892.
LECTURES ON CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY.During the first half-year the instructors in the Classical Department will give a course of lectures intended to furnish in elementary form a general view of classical Philology. These lectures will generally be given three in each week, and where the subject admits will be illustrated by means of the stereopticon. They are open to all members of the University.
MISCELLANEOUS.The museum of Comparative Zoology, the Mineralogical Museum, the Semitic Museum, and the Peabody Museum of archaeology, are open to the public every week-day from 9 till 5. From May 1st to Nov. 1st the Museum of Comparative Zoology is open on Sundays from 1 till 5 o'clock.
The Botanic Garden is open Sundays, as well as week-days.
The Library in Gore Hall is open Sundays during term-time from 1 o'clock till 5, for the use of members of the University only.
The rooms of the Fine Arts Department in Sever Hall are open to the public on Mondays and Thursdays from 2 to 5 o'clock.
The Semitic Museum is open to the public from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily except. Sunday in the new wing of the Peabody Museum.