
Fact and Rumor.

J. C. Newton has given Amherst nearly $40.000 with which to endow a chair of Sculptural Art.

The "Annex" English Club gave a reception Monday evening to Richard G. Moulton the English lecturer.

There will be no examination in French 3 as announced in the list of examinations and in the CRIMSON.

Subjects of books selected for outside reading in French 1a must be handed in on Monday at the latest.

The rishest American college is Columbia, with an endowment of $9,000,000. Harvard comes second with about $7,000,000.- Cornell Sun.


An assessment has been made on the class crews to assist the 'varsity in getting the much needed new rowing machines for common use.

Students whose English B. themes were marked by Mr. A. A. Cary. can consult him the last part of this mornat 18 Grays.

The Williams eleven will receive medals as mementos of winning the championship of the New England League. The team scored 98 points to 0 in the championship contests.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Canadian Club to be held this evening, the following papers will be read: "The Algonqum Language," by Mr. M. Chamberlain; "Canadian Poetry," by E. Fulton '91; "The Prose Writers of Cadada," by W. T. Raymond '92.

It has been proposed to have a mid-year examination in Geology 4 for those who get below C in the hour examination. It will be optional for the others.

The class of '91 M. I. T. have elected the following officers for class day: C. F. Hammond, orator; H. E. Hathaway. poet; James Swan, historian; Theodore Shence, prophet; W. C. Dart, statistician; E. Cunningham, 1st Marshal.

The results of the chess tournament so far are as follows: J. T. Nichols, L. S. and M. Ladd '94 will represent the fourth section in the finals and S. Adams '92 and G. B. Wilson '94 the third. From the second section S. M. Ballon '93 will be one of the representatives; the other will be either A. Latham '92 or P. H. de Mauriac 94. In the first section E. R. Coflin '93. O. B. Hawes '93 and H. G. Nichols '93 are all tied.
