Kebo Valley Club, at Bar Harbor, August 4-9
Wright and Ditson's Annual Lawn Tennis Tournament, August 4-9.
Nahant Sporting Club, Invitation Tournament, at Nahant, August 11-16.
Bar Harbor Lawn Tennis Club, at Bar Harbor, August 11-16.
Narragansett Casino, at Narragansett, August 18-23.
U. S. N. L. T. A., single championship for men, at Newport Casino, Newport, Wednesday, August 27, Sept. 6. (The play-off between the winners of the two U. S. N. L. T. A. double championships for men to take place also.)
Lenox Club Invitation Tournament, at Lenox, Sept 15-20.
Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association, at New Haven, October 6-11.
To these may be added Horace Partridge's annual tournament, which will probably be held at Wellesley about the seventh of July.