

ARTICLE V.The Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall have direct control of the boats, charge of the boat house and all property of the club. They shall enforce the preservation of order and obedience to the house and boat rules. They shall see that all damage done by members to the boat house or boats is made good.

ARTICLE VI.Removal of Officers.

Any officer may be removed by a three-fourths vote of those present at any regularly called meeting of the club.



There shall be an annual meeting held during the first week in October for the election of officers.

A notice of all meetings, stating the object thereof, shall be given in the DAILY CRIMSON at least two days before the meeting.

The members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum.

A list of nominations for officers shall be presented by each retiring board at the annual meeting.

ARTICLE VIII.Conference with the Trustees.

The Executive Committee shall four times annually, twice in the fall and twice in the spring, confer with the trustees of the boat house as to the best means of conducting the club and extending its usefulness.
