March 4-Ministry. Rev. Brooke Herford.
March 11-Public Life. Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, of the United States Civil Service Commission.
March 18-Teaching. Edwin Seaver, superintendent of the Boston public schools.
March 25-Business. Charles S. Smith, Esq., president of the New York chamber of commerce.
ENGLISH B.Theme V., corrected or rewritten, may be handed back at any time before Saturday, February 8.
Theme VII., a literary criticism, will be due on Tuesday, February 18.
MISCELLANEOUS.The Museum of Comparative Zoology the Peabody Museum of Archaeology, and the Mineralogical Museum in Boylston Hall, are open to the public every week-day from 9 till 5.
The Botanic Garden is open Sundays as well as week days.
The library in Gore Hall is open Sundays during term-time from 1 till 5 o'clock for the use of members of the university only.
The rooms of the Fine Arts department in Sever hall are open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 5 o'clock.