The marks in Music 2, both for Thanksgiving and the Mid-year's, will be made up from the daily work in the course.
An effort is being made to raise a subscription for the erection of a gymnasium at the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Mich. This University has over 2,000 students, and as yet has no gymnasium.
"The Sorrows of Young Werther" must be read by members of German 4 outside of class before the Christmas holidays. Goethe's poems in volumes one and two of the Cotta edition will be read in class until then.
Frank W. Nicholson, A. M., has prepared an edition of the "Phormio" of Terence, with stage directions, and John C. Rolfe, Ph. D., has prepared a similar edition of the "Heauton Timorumens" of Terence, which Ginns and Co. have just issued.
The second lecture in the course to promote the fund for the Wendell Phillips Hall will take place at Tremont Temple this evening, Rev. A. P. Putnam, D. D., will lecture on "The Old Guard." The price of tickets is from 20 to 50 cents.
Hon. James W. Savage, P. A. '43, of Omaha, died on the 22d ult. He was a graduate of Harvard, a Lieutenant Colonel in the army, a law partner of Senator Manderson, a judge of the Sixth District of Nebraska, an authority in Nebraska local history, and a government director of the Union Pacific Railway. Charles Francis Adams in announcing his death to the directors paid a high tribute to him as a man of ability, character and distinguished public services.