
Fact and Rumor.

Professor Nash will probably not begin to read Gil Blas in his section in Spanish 1 until after the Christmas recess.

Mr. A. A. Carey, instructor in English B, will be a Grays 18 this morning from 10 to 1 to consult Sophomores whose themes he has corrected.

A National Cricket League will be formed this spring, embracing the cities of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago.

Any men graduating this year from college and wishing assistance in getting situations, can receive aid from Mr. Bolles, who is always ready to help them.

It is stated that the whole Harvard eleven will go to New York as the guests of the Harvard Club, install of four men whose names were published in yesterday's CRIMSON.


At the meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association of New York, Tuesday night, Prof. Werner was chosen President for the ensuing year and Levi Holbrook, Vice-President.

The foot ball used in the Springfield game, and hung from the center of the banqueting room of the Revere House the other evening is now in possession of Capt. Cumnock.
