
Yale and Harvard Elevens.

The Work Each Team has Done this Season.

Harvy, f. b., 22 150 5.8

Williams, h. b., 20 170 6.

Adams, 22 165 5.11 1-2

B. Morison, 22 173 6.12

Mills, 20 172 5.11 1-2


The rush line averages 177 4-7 lbs., just ten pounds heavier than Harvard's line averages. The rushers average over six feet in height and will far overtop the Harvard line, which averages only 5 ft. 9 in. per man.

The following are the games played by Harvard this season:

The first column of figures represents Harvard's score, the second that of their opponents.

Oct. 1, Exeter, at Cambridge, 41-0

Oct. 5, Dartmouth, at Cambridge, 43-0

Oct. 12, Amherst, at Cambridge, 74-6

Oct. 19, Williams, at Cambridge, 38-0

Oct. 22, Dartmouth, at Cambridge, 64-0

Oct. 26, Bowdoin, at Cambridge, 54-0

Oct. 29, Wesleyan, at Cambridge, 55-0
