
English 6.

III. The bill is expedient: Rept. of Select Com. H. Rep. 2493.

a. Publicity of election is a preventure of fraud, and a fair ballot and an honest count is the vital principle of our system of government. For these the bill provides.

b. The bill is non-sectional and nonpartisan; Text of bill.

c. Is an anti-force bill and not designed to secure party ascendancy; Phila Amer. 6-23; N. Y. Press, 8-26; Iowa State Register, 6-21 Public Opinion.

d. Bull dozing threats and cowardly fears of riot are the main objections urged. N. Amer. Rev. Sept.


e. A fraud against the franchise is a crime against liberty and should be furnished at any cost.

f. The existence of the nation demands the enforcement of the constitution.

BRIEF FOR THE NEGATIVE.- R. S. BARLOW AND R. S. HALE.Best general reference: Bumpus notes on Constitutional Decisions, 369-381; Tucker, Speech in H. of R., 30, June, 1890, Cong. Record; Watterson, Speech to Mass. Reform Club, Boston Post, 27 Sept. 1890.

I. The bill is opposed to the constitution.

a. It gives an interpretation to the clause not intended when the constitution was formed; Tucker, Speech in H. of R., 30 June 1890.

b. It deprives the states of the power to determine the qualifications for suffrage; Bumpus notes, 369-381.

II. It is politically inexpedient to pass the bill.

a. Ill feeling has been created by its proposal and more will follow its enactment; Public Opinion, 30 Aug. 1890.

b. The bill would not correct present abuses; Public Opinion, 30 Aug. 1890; Nation, 7 Aug., 28 Aug. 1890.

c. The bill is opposed to the general opinion and wish of the country; Nation, 7 and 28 Aug. 1890.
