There are to be no second prizes in the tennis tournament. First and consolation prizes will be given in both singles and doubles.
Orcutt and Potter beat Lockwood and Manchester 6 4, 6-0, in playing off for second prize in the doubles of last year's spring tournament.
Wesleyan has refused to play a return football game with Trinity at Hartford. giving as a reason that her men were overtrained.
The game with Williams tomorrow will be calied at 2.30 sharp. The reserved seats for the Wesleyan game will be put on sale early next week.
The following men have been elected to the Classical Club: A. R. Benner, F. W. Coburn, W. F. Harris, S. Parsons, C. H. Dow, W. E. D. Downes, W. P. Tryon.
The Exeter-Andover tennis tournament played at Exeter on Wednesday resulted in the singles going to Andover and the doubles to Exeter. The winners were Anderson of Andover and Chase and Lyman of Exeter.
Professor W. G. Lake of Dickinson college, has written some instructions about playing football in the Dickinsonian. He says: "Run whenever you get a chance; practice wrestling, dodging and falling. Learn all the signs perfectly."