
University Calendar.


10. FRIDAY.Application from graduate students for admiss on to examination for any degree should be made before this date.

APPLETON CHAPEL-SUNDAY SERVICES.January 5 and 16-Rev. George A. Gordon of Boston.

January 19-Right Rev. T. U. Dudley, D. D., Bishop of Kentucky.


January 26 and February 2-Rev. Professor William Lawrence.

February 16-Rev Lyman Abbott, D. D.

ENGLISH C AND ENGLISH D.The second briet will be due January 7, the second forensic January 20.

Mr. Baker will be in the closed alcove of the library, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 4.30. Mr. Thompson will consult with juniors Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same hours.

Subject 19 under History, the "Australian Ballot System," has been excluded from the list of topics.

ENGLISH B.Specimens of Theme V. Will be read and discussed in Sever 11, on Tuesday, January 7 at 2 o'clock.

Theme IV. will be returned to the writers from 3 until 4 o'clock. Themes not called for at that time will be kept for one week at Grays 18, where the writers may call for them during office hours. After the expiration of one week no theme will be returned to the writer.

Theme VI., a summary, will be due on Thursday, January 16.
