Students are ranked on a scale of 4 at Yale. The highest mark ever given a student, 3.73, was received by the valedictorian of the class of '68.
Those willing to serve as peasants in the Norsk Fest-tag should apply at Curtis and Weld's, Hayward place, as a change has been made in the costumer.
The Dartmonth-alumni association held a successful dinner at the Vendome Wednesday evening. A report was read showing a very prosperous condition of affairs at the college.
H. S. Wilkinson, '91, read an interesting paper at the last meeting of the Electric club on the subject of Electro-Chemistry. L. K. Perot resigned from the position of secretary and Wilkinson was elected in his place. P. D. Stone, '93, was elected a member of the club.
Professor Bartlett has announced that the mid year paper in German 1a will consist of passages for translation into English from the two hundred and sixty pages that will have been read by the class some slight work, and translation into German based on the anecdotes learned during the half year.
Students taking the mid year examination in Mathematics A will be allowed to bring to the examination a card of "Trigonometric Formulas" and a "Syllabus of a course in Plane Trigonometry" by Professor Byerly, both obtainable at the Co-operative. Tables will be furnished at the examination and no others will be allowed.
At the meeting of the Chess and Whist club on Wednesday the following new members were elected: G. R. Payson, '90, S. L. Bigelow, '91, W. Reed, '91, M. D. Follansbee, '92, H. Lewis, '92, A. Dupont, '92. A committee was chosen to look for new rooms, and it was decided to have a whist tournament shortly after the mid years.