The second annual reunion and dinner of the St Paul's School alumni association was held at the Hotel Brunswick Saturday evening. A number of Harvard men were present.
At the meeting of the American Historical Association during the holidays Dr. Snow read a paper on "Defence of Congressional Government,' and J. O. Summer, Gr., on "Materials for Confederate History."
The annual coffee party of the Boy's Aid Club of Cambridge took place in Lyceum Hall last Friday, and was a great success. The managers were Spalding, Greenough, and DeWolf, '92, and Dibblee and Parker '93.
Candidates for the Yale freshman crew are taking practice in the rowing tank now, and will continue to do so until spring. An unusually strong lot of men are candidates, and it is expected that the crew will be a fast one.
The January award of scholarships to freshmen is as follows: the five Bright scholarships to P. T. Campbell, J. I. Cochrane, F. B. Gallivan, D. S. Mussey, G. E. Partridge; the Bigelow scholarships to N. E. Reid, T. A. Rippey; the Levina Hoar scholarship to F. P. Kidder.
The following figures taken from the schedule of studies prepared by Registrar Marsh of Amherst show the ratio of elective and prescribed work done there: number of hours of required instruction each week-freshmen 16, sophomores 1, juniors 0, seniors 7. Number of hours of elective instruction each week-freshmen 0, sophomores 32, juniors 40, seniors 35. Total hours of required instruction, 24; elective, 107.