
Fact and Rumor.

The Banjo club played in the yard last night.

The English C. examinations will last only two hours.

The Yale final examinations extend from the 6th of June to the 19th of June.

The entrance examinations for Columbia began last Monday. 118 men are trying.

Yale defeated Pennsylvania last Tuesday in a six inning game by a score of 24 to 0.


Of the 362 colleges and universities in this country, 271 are supported by religious denominations.

Travers of Yale has engaged to pitch for the Staten Island Athletic Club during the coming season.

Professor A. B. Hart will speak at the meeting of the Y. M. C. A. in Lawrence Hall this evening.

Yesterday was the only day for getting extra checks at Memorial charged on the term bill. Hereafter checks will have to be paid for when taken.

The Columbia College Glee Club will give concerts at Asbury, Park on June 6, and at Long Branch on June 7.

A valuable Arabic library and one of Syrian and Hebrew have been received by the University of Pennsylvania.

An unnamed New Englander has given $100,000 to which Japanese gentlemen have added $70,000 to found a Christian university in Japan.

The Law School of the University of New York offers two prizes of one hundred dollars each for the best written and oral examinations at the end of the month.

Candidates for History 20 d are requested to confer with Professor Hart, and to fill out application blanks. Notice of the result will be sent about June 25.

On the thirteenth of July, the Cape May Athletic Association will hold its annual meeting, at which there will be a special race of 100 yards, open to all amateurs. Dohm of Princeton will probably enter.

Seven members of Princeton's nine will play with the Cape May nine during the summer. Following are their names and positions: King, rf.; Durell (capt.), cf.; Dana. 1b.; Knickerbocker, s.s.; Mowry or Watts 3b,; Brokaw, c.; Osborne, probably in the fleld.

All candidates for English 6 are requested to fill out application blanks, which may be obtained at the office, and to leave them at 7 Hollis. Preference will be given to the applications of those who have distinguished themselves in English and who have studied elocution. Notice of the result of the applications will be sent about June 25.
