
Special Notice.

FOR SALE. - An almost new, large upright Hallet & Davis piano. Very cheap. Address H. I. K., 32 Read's.


BOOKS PACKED. - No man living knows how to handle a book as well as the man who binds it. Therefore, if your wish your books packed with care, employ McNamee the bookbinder, whose shop is opposite the College Library. Terms very reasonable.

TO SENIORS.There seems to be a mis-understanding about class pictures this year that is quite unusual. The list sent out by Pach a month or so ago contains the names of all men connected with the class, and all professors, instructors, athletes, groups and views of interest to seniors (with prices of albums, etc)


The names of all photographs wanted were to be underlined and the order returned by a certain time. However any orders can be sent in now and will receive the same attention and be ready by class day. Any man who would like another list can get it at the studio.


H. WM. TUPPER, Manager.


TWO EXCURSIONS to the Columbian Exposition, conducted by the B. & M. R. R. in Raymond and Whitcomb vestibule trains, will leave Boston June 21 and July 3. Round trip with board at the Pullman Hotel $75. As the number is limited, application must be made at once. F. U. Stearns, 18 Thayer, 10 to 11 a. m.


DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.

1y.TUTORING in Fine Arts 3. History 1, 11 12, Philosophy 5, Economics 4, Semitic 12.


