
University Calendar.

Medical Faculty. Meeting at the Medical school, Boston. 7.30 p. m.

APPLETON CHAPEL.- SUNDAY EVENINGS.May 26, Rev. Theodore C. Williams of New York.

June 2 and 9, Rev. Alexander McKenzie, DD.

June 16, (Baccalaureate service), Rev. Prof. Andrew P. Peabody, D. D.


ENGLISH B.All rewritten and corrected themes must be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 4 on or before May 31.

ENGLISH C.Final examination, All juniors taking English C will please leave their briefs at 24 Grays Hall by June 10. From the three briefs submitted by each student, one will be selected as a basis for his examination. Briefs must be drawn up only upon topics in the forensic pamphlet or upon subjects approved by Mr. Baker.

The right to reject summaries and inadequate briefs is reserved.

Briefs will not be accepted after June 10.

ENGLISH D.Final examinations. The final examination paper will contain statements of fact from which it will be required to construct an argument in the affirmative or negative of a proposition stated. No briefs or other preparation will be required for the examination.

MISCELLANEOUS.The Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology, and the Mineralogical Museum in Boylston Hall, are open to the public every week day from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m.

The Botanic Garden is open Sundays, as well as week days.

The Library in Gore Hall is open Sundays during term time from 1 till five o'clock for the use of members of the University only.
