
University Calendar.

APRIL 28. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m., Rev. William Lawrence. (The front pews will be reserved for members of the University until 7.30).

Weekday morning prayers begin at 7.45 a. m. No seats are assigned, either for officers or classes.

Rev. William Lawrence will conduct prayers from April 22 to May 11.

Mr. Lawrence may be found at Wadsworth House 1 every weekday from 11-12.


30. MONDAYHarvard Finance Club. The Requirement of Impartiality and Uniformity in Railroad Service. Lecture. Hon. Thomas M. Cooley. Sanders Theatre. 8 p. m.

Open to the public.

31. TUESDAY.Appleton Chapel. Centennial day. Morning prayers will begin this day at 8.30 a. m. and a brief historical address will be delivered by Justin Winsor, librarian of the University.

The public are invited to this service.

MAY 1. WEDNESDAY.Last day for receiving applications for the Price Greenleaf Aid for 1889-90.

Last day for receiving dissertations for the Toppan, Dante, Sargent and Sumner Prizes.

Last day for receiving theses of candidates for the degree of Ph. D. or S. D.

Divinity School Library. Debate. 4.15.

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