The Amherst freshmen are raising money for their baseball team by an individual tax of twenty-five cents a month.
The Columbia College Baseball Association has refered the question of putting a nine in the field this summer to the Graduate Advisory Committee.
Two university, two freshman and the three class crews were on the river yesterday. J. Storrow coached the university crew and Alexander the freshmen crew.
There is a rule at Lehigh that a student receiving eighty-five per cent. or over in recitation, shall be exempt from examinations. As a result more than half the students passed last year without taking examinations.
The following have been elected officers of Delta Upsilon for the last half year: S. R. Dunham, Fres.; A. M. Morton, Vice-Pres.; L. Calkins, Sec.; R. E, Dodge, Treas.; B. Fisher, Chorister.
The Class of '91 in Columbia College has decided to unite its Junior publications. The conditions of the consolidation are that the combined book shall not have either of the present name "Columbiad" and "Miner," and that the Editorial Board shall consist of five representatives from the School of Arts and four from the School of Mines. The fifth "Arts" man is to be editor-in-chief.