Theme VIII., a Literary Criticism, will be due on Tuesday, February 19.
Themes are to be deposited in the wooden box in Sever 3 not later than 4 o'clock. By the regulations, no over due theme will be accepted unless the writer satisfies the secretary that his failure to present it at the appointed time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance.
Every student is required to follow implicitly the directions with regard to paper, folding, endorsing, etc., given on the English Composition card.
LECTURES ON ANTHROPOLOGY.Dr. Ward will deliver a series of four Monday evening lectures in Sever 11, beginning Feb. 18, at 7.30 o'clock, his subject being Anthropology, or the Scientific Method Applied to Man; including an historical sketch of the new science, its method and scope; the anthropological method illustrated by special subjects, such as the old and new ideas of the world, man's age in the world, his physical and mental development, the question of progress or retrogression: sociology and the development of the social condition; and the advantages to be gained from anthropological study. The lectures will be open to the public.
GREEK B AND C.Professor Wright's lectures on Homer, at 3 p. m., Monday, February 11, and Wednesday, February 18, will take the place of the regular exercises in Greek B and C upon those days.
These lectures, though principally intended for members of the courses named, are open to others who may be interested in the subject.
LECTURES ON THE ATHENIAN ACROPOLIS.A course of eight lectures on the Acropolis at Athens will be delivered in the Jefferson Laboratory after the mid-year examinations by Dr. J. R. Wheeler. The lectures will be given on Monday and Friday afternoons at 4 o'clock, beginning February 15 and ending March 11. A synopsis of the lectures may be had at the University Bookstore or upon application to any of the instructors in Greek. The course, though intended particularly for classical students, will be open to the public.
The topics of the first lecture are: 1. The Plain of Athens. The position and nature of the hill of the Acropolis. 2. The Acropolis in the successive historical periods of the city, from the earliest time to the establishment of the present kingdom of Greece.
MISCELLANEOUS.The Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Peabody Museum of Archxology, and the Mineralogical Museum in Boylston Hall, are open to the public every week day from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m.
The Botanic Garden is open Sundays, as well as week days.
The Library in Gore Hall is open Sundays during term time from 1 till sunset for the use of members of the University only.