P. S.- If you think it would be better for me to wait until Friday and Saturday let me know. STICKNEY."
3. Letter of Mr. Ames in Reply to Mr. Stickney.
(Printed above, section 4.)
4. Letter of Mr. Cumnock:
CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 7, 1889.
Professor J. W. WHITE,
DEAR SIR:- I have examined the evidence submitted by Princeton. In answer I say without reservation that I never made any such statements as are there ascribed to me, to members of the Andover team or to any persons at any time. I have never made any offer of pecuniary aid to any person, to become or to remain a member of the Harvard team, and such offers have not to my knowledge been made by any member of the Harvard Football Association. Moreover. Mr. Sears and I did not go to Andover "in the fall," but in March, and did not see the team but only three members of it, one of whom announced that he was going to Yale, to be with a brother; another that he was going to Harvard. We were in Andover less than two hours, and were together the whole time. The whole charge is false and without foundation from beginning to end.
Yery truly yours, ARTHUR J. CUMNOCK.5. Letter of Mr. Upton:
CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 7, 1889.
Professor J. W. WHITE,
DEAR SIR:- I did not state to Mr. L. D. Mowry or to any other person that money offers of any kind had been made to me or to other members of the Andover team. No such offers have ever been made to me by Captain Sears, Captain Cumnock, or any other person, either before entering college or since. Last summer, on the invitation of several Princeton men, I went to Cape May and played on a baseball team. There were seven Princeton men and one University of Pennsylvania man, besides myself. We all received our board and an allowance for incidental expenses, but were not paid for our services. I never have received money for engaging in athletics.
Respectfully yours, J. D. UPTON.
6. Letter of Mr. Dennison.
MY DEAR PROFESSOR AMES,-I am in receipt of the extract of Mr. Lew Morey's letter to the authorities of Princeton College in which he says:
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