15. FRIDAY.Divinity School Chapel. Preaching service, 7.30 p. m.
APPLETON CHAPEL-SUNDAY SERVICESNovember 10 and 17. Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y.
November 24. Rev. Phillips Brooks, D. D.
December 1-Rev. President Andrews. of Brown University.
December 8-Rev. Professor George Harris of Andover.
ENGLISH B.Specimens of Theme II. will be read and discussed in Sever 11, on Tuesday, November 13, at 2 o'clock.
Themes are to be deposited in the wooden box outside the door of Gray's 18 not later than 4 o'clock. By the regulations no overdue theme will be accepted unless the writer satisfies the Secretary that his failure to present it at the proper time was caused by serious illness or other unavoidable hindrance.
Every student is required to follow implicitly the directions with regard to paper, folding, endorsing, etc., given on the English Composition card.
ELOCUTION.Mr. Hayes will meet the voluntary classes in Elocution on Mondays and Fridays at 2 p m.
COLLFGE CONFERENCE MEETINGS.Tuesday, November 12-Reforms in Political Methods, and how to bring them about. Richard H. Dana, Esq., of the Mass, Ballot Act League.
Tuesday, November 19-The Modern Tendency in Theological Thought. Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D.
Tuesday, December 3-the Health of students. Henry P. Walcott. M. P.
Tuesday, December 17-The Belief in Immortality. Professor C. C. Everett.
Tuesday, January 7-College discipline. Professor W. S. Chaplin.
MISCELLANEOUS.The Museum of Comparative Zoology the Peabody Museum of Archaeology, and the Mineralogical Museum in Boylston Hall, are open to the public every week-day from 9 till 5.
The Botanic Garden is open Sundays as well as week days.
The library in Gore Hall is open Sundays during term-time from 1 till 5 o'clock for the use of members of the university only.
The rooms of the Fine Arts department in Sever hall are open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 5 o'clock.