Mr. William Lloyd Garrison will address the Free Wool Club on November 15.
W, J. Latta, '89, is in the grain-supply house of Counciliman and Day, Chicago.
The Phillips Exeter Literary Monthly has made its first appearance this year.
E. Wright, '86, a prominent track athlete when in college, is visiting in Cambridge.
Fairchild, '93, has almost recovered from the recent injury received while playing football.
The Wilson physical laboratory of Brown University is well on towards completion. It is being built of Roxbury stone.
Hon. Rowland Hazard succeeds the late ex-Governor Fairbanks of Vormont as a member of the board of trustees of the Phillips Academy at Andover.
The senior class of the Arts Department at Columbia is to establish a new periodical. The first issue will appear on December 1. Considerable space will be devoted to intercollegiate news.
The following men will have their examinations in History 12 on Friday: Baker, Combs, Burr, Morse, Guerin, Hubbard, Hale; on Saturday, Lincoln, Leland, Whitehouse, Schaver, Fiske Buttimer.
The Board of trustees of the University of Pennsylvania have accepted the offer of Joseph M. Bennet to give properties adjoining the university buildings for a college for women in connection with the University of Pennsylvania.
A memorial window is being placed in Sage chapel at Corne 1 by the students in civil engineering in memory of Edward S. Nevins, '90, who lost his life last winter while attempting to rescue a young woman who had fallen through the ice.
Professor Todd of Amherst who has charge of the expedition to Africa to view the sun, has planned a system of pneumatic valves worked by electricity by which the photographic apparatus may be worked automatically during the total eclipse.