GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal Friday night at 7 in 1 Weld.
G. JONES, Secretary.The rehearsal of the freshman Banjo club will be held on Friday instead of Thursday evening, at 7, in 4 Thayer.
All contestants in the road race must be examined by Dr. Sargent and depostit their certificates at 22 Holloke house by next Monday.
T. BARRON, Captain.All members of the Exeter club of Harvard who will attend a dinner, if given by the club, are requested to sign the blue book at Leavitt and Pierce's immediately.
A limited number of settee seats will be placed on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's on Wednesday at 8 a. m. The settees will be just behind the ropes and as they are the best seats in the field a charge of 75 cents will be made for them. Absolutely no tickets will be exchanged for them.
J. A. LOWELL.LOST.- On October 19, probably in the college yard, a bundle of MSS containing a copy of some of the private correspondence of George Washington his own account of various campaigns, etc., etc. Any one returning this will conter a great favor and receive a reward from
F. C. WOODMAN, 15 East 16th Street New York.NINETY-TWO CREW.- The following men will be at the boat house ready to row at 4 p. m. : Weed, J. C. Hubbard, Motte, Codman, Young, Putnam, and Draper. The following men will row in the gymnasium at 5 p. m.: Green-wood, Schudder, Stearns, Gillespie, Loring, Rhoades, McKay and Gratwick.
J. C. POWERS, Captain.
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