
Harvard and Yale Libraries.

During the past year both the Harvard and Yale libraries have been used more extensively than ever before. From September 1, 1888, to August 31, 1889, there were 69,892 volumes taken from Gore hall alone. This does not include those taken out for one night only. During the same time 10,21 volumes were taken from the Yale university library. The Yale News contains the following summary of the way in which these volumes were distributed:

Professors. 2,601

Students in Divinity school. 1.490

Students in Law school. 305

Students in Medical school. 100


Students in Art school. 71

Graduate students. 2,095

Academic class of '89. 590

Academic class of '90. 575

Academic class of '91. 413

Academic class of '92. 331

Scientific class of '89. 181

Scientific Class of '90. 86

Scientific class of '91. 62

General. 1,386

Total. 10,217

By the above figures it is seen that Yale professors lead in drawing books with about 25 per cent of the entire number. The graduate students hold the second place with 19 per cent.; academic students come third with over 18 per cent., and the theological department fourth with 14 per cent. Sheffield draws only 3 per cent., while those not connected with the college draw over 19 per cent.

It is impossible to compile a similar summary of the volumes taken from the Harvard library as no such records are kept. The greatest number of books taken in any one month from the Harvard library in this period was in March, when 6,124 volumes were drawn out. The greatest number was drawn out of the Yale library in February, when 1367 volumes were taken out; during the same month, 5332 volumes were drawn out from Gore hall.

At present the total number of books in the Harvard library is 268,551. There should be added to this number nearly 100,000 volumes which are in the twenty-one subsidiary libraries. Yale has a library of more than 140,000 volumes. Both libraries contain many thousand unbound pamphlets and works of art.
