
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

The Society has now ready a very large and well selected stock of miscellaneous books, including nearly every recent publication of importance. All these books are marked at Boston prices or lower.

Errand boys go to Boston twice a day, and now that the rush of business is over, orders for any books not in stock will receive special attention.

The "Journal of Marie Bashkirotsoff" will be ready as soon as published. The published price will be $2.50. The Society's price will be $1.75; but if 25 copies are ordered before the stock is received the price on those ordered will be 15 cents per copy cheaper. All who want the book should leave orders at once.

"Abstracts of Lectures in Perspective," by W. P. P. Longfellow, is now ready; price 50 cents.

A set of the Enyclopaedia Britannica, 24 volumes, for sale cheap.


In Knickerbocker Nuggets, "Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey," recommended in English, is offered at 65 cents; published price $1.00.

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