Kendricken has been changed from the freshman to the 'varsity training table. Dunn and Frothingham are at the freshman table, where there are now eight men:
A new York man has given $20,000 to Columbia to found a travelling scholarship for young architects. This is about the sixth scholarship of its kind in the United States.
At the Harvard Philosophical club last evening, Professor Royce spoke on "Teleology." He dwelt specially on the contrast to a mechanical view of the universe.
Proof sheets of the list of students for the catalogue are posted in the library and at the entrance of University. Every one should see that his name and adnress are right. Leave corrections with the secretary at University 5.
It has been found necessary to remodel the dark room of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. The sun, beating on the south side of the building, raises the temperature of the dark room to such an extent as to cause a variation in the length of light waves, thus interfering with experiments.