Brief for the Negative.G. W. Lee and J. S. Stone.
Best general references: N. A. Review vol. 137, p. 422; Hadley, Railroad Transportation, pp, 253-257.
I. Government ownership is unconstitutional and foreign to the spirit of our institutions..- D. A. Wells, H. R. Misc. Docs. 73, 42 Cong., 3d session, pp. 55. 58, 61.
II. The government has twice refused to buy the telegraphs.- D. A. Wells, p. 43.
III. The telegraph does not fulfil the conditions for successful government management.- Hadley; Jevous, Methods of social reform, pp. 296, 298, 355-359.
IV. Government management is, (a) not economical.- Wells, pp. 48, 51. Jevous, pp. 294, 297, 305. 358; (b) not satisfactory.- N. A. Rev. 137, p. 434, London News. Mar. 2, 1870.
V. The industrial results are as good in the United States as in any other country.- Hadley, p. 255; Tenth census vol. 4, gen. fol. 846-849.
VI. Government management would prove demoralizing. (a) To economical appropriations: Edinburgh Rev. 143, pp. 177 et seq. (b) To our civil service.- Hadley; Wells, p. 56. (c) To our politics.- Wells, pp. 58. 61; Hadley, p. 255.